Wonderful Men In Crazy Dreams
In the Czechoslovakia of the late 1970s, hundreds of enthusiasts - amateurs attempted to find creative expression although any permissible self-realization or public presentation was under the ideological control of the…
The Wonderful Years
The research film “The Wonderful Years” explores the lives of queer women in Ukraine in the late Soviet Union. It is based on the archive video materials and interview excerpts from the research projects on LGBT history.
Serbo-Australian writer Wongar lives a secluded life in the suburbs of Melbourne taking care of his 6 dingoes. His
latest novel is about to be published but at the same time his long time companion, dingo Timmy, has fall
Wooden People
Mikalaj is an old man and the only inhabitant of a village in the biggest forest of Europe, Belavezhskaya Pushcha. This place was teeming with life once, but since then all the other people have either left for the city…
The Word
This documentary is dedicated to Solzhenitsyn's 90 years anniversary. There are rare cronicle materials in the film, exclusive interviews with Alexander Solzhenitsyn about modern literature and future of Russia in 21st…
Words From the Old Times
Maramures is an old Romanian county remarkable by its authenticity: the space, the people, their so special and natural way to relate with the existence and God... everything here seems to be profound. An essay about a…
The Workcenter is one of the most secretive theatre groups in the world. They live together like monks, desperately seeking spirituality in their lives.Only few were allowed to see their daily routine.
The Workers Cup
Inside the labor camps of Qatar, African and Asian migrant workers building the facilities of the 2022 World Cup compete in a football tournament of their own: The Workers Cup.
Work Hard - Play Hard
A documentary about the removal of boundaries in the workplace. Man, as the most important motor of growth in our highly skilled Western service society, has become the focus of modern management practices. By following…