Adam East & Rebecca West
Film-maker Adam Olha´s family diary with elements of a film essay thematizing the relationship between Western and Eastern Europe within the setting of a family´s day-to-day existence.
A Dangerous Boy
An Icelandic teenager captures the attention of WikiLeaks’ key players when, at the age of 14, he hacks into the private communications of Icelandic banking. The young hacker is drawn into a risky business with secret…
A Date in Minsk
Nikita and Volha have been maintaining a dysfunctional relationship for the past 8 years. In the following movie they play fictional Nikita and Volha who have only just met.
A Day With The Comedians
Ritual disguising of people in a village in central Serbia. Comedians, as they call themselves, perform a dramatic scene, sing and dance, and in the form of primitive theatre, make a mockery on actual social and…
A Diary of a Journey
Tadeusz Rolke, an aged master of Polish photography, has more than just a typical teacher-student relationship with 15-year-old Michał. Together, they travel across Poland to take portrait photographs of the residents…
A Documentary About Milan Kundera
The documentary presents all of Milan Kundera’s major works and their themes. In the West, little is known about his early poetry and plays. Until recently, none of his novels written in French were published in the…
A Documentary Film
Portrait of a father, whose adult children live their own lives far away from him. Director follows his everyday routine at the swimming pool, at work, at home and – first of all – he explores his emotions.
Adoption: Audiotioning for Parenthood
Every child needs to feel wanted. Not every child, however, can enjoy family and love. On the other hand, there are couples and even singles craving to provide for them. The solution is adoption – a series of decisions…