After a long break, brilliant artist and director - Bogdan Dziworski is back making a new film.
Weiyena - The Long March Home
Two family histories, one century and two metropolises merge in one person: Weina Zhao, whose parents called her “Vienna" – Wéiyěnà – because they emigrated to Austria.
Welcome Nowhere
Narrated by Ethan Hawke, Welcome Nowhere tells the true story of one community of Roma people in Sofia, Bulgaria, who live in old train boxcars after being forcibly evicted from their homes. Without bathrooms or proper…
Welcome to Misery
Film Vítejte v Pakárně se zaměřuje na povinnou vojenskou službu v Československu osmdesátých let. Poukazuje na dobu, kdy se totalita pomalu chýlila ke konci, ale v armádě tomu nic nenaznačovalo. Dvě hlavní postavy jsou…
Welcome Tomorrow
Belgrade Waterfront. The development project of priviliged that nobody wants and that caused two communities to fight for their rights in the globalized world.
Welcome to New Karabash
This is not a film about an imminent environmental catastrophe.
This is not a film about a environmental catastrophe that has already taken place.
This film is about what happens after.
About people moving to and from.
Welcome to Sodom
A dark and sensuous film from a landfill in Ghana, where electronic waste from the West is being recycled. An unforgettable experience, told by the workers themselves.
Welcome to the Rich Men's World
Papua Nová Guinea, provincie Saudan. Neproniknutelný les. Někdo zavraždil ženu, manželku náčelníka a matku čtyř dětí. Tělo ženy bylo nalezeno rozřezané v těsné blízkosti jejího obydlí. Investigativní dokument…