The Wanderers
In three different parts of the world, three young Latvians attempt to find themselves through nomadic explorations, questioning the different aspects of what it means to be young in the contemporary uncertain world.
Wandering of Josif, the Son of a Shoemaker
Trilogie vypráví o mladých letech Josifa, dobrodruha z 20. století, který se později proslavil pod jménem Stalin. Film vyobrazuje některé okamžiky ze Stalinova dětství a mládí, které dále ovlivnily jehou budoucnost a…
War is a story about a peacekeeper, who after having returned from a mission could not come to terms with his life anymore, with the life between the present and the eternity.
War and Peace of Private Lytvyn
This is a movie about war and peace, about the movement from life to death, about the fate of the main character in the broadest sense of the word.
War in Ukraine
A photographic journey from the first victims and funerals, to sunflower fields covered with human remains and the first major tank battle in Europe since WWII - what price does a witness of such events have to pay?
War Is Over
What happens to war zones after the spot-lights go off?
War on Women
A single mom goes on a global quest to reveal a network of organizations behind the recent rise of the ultra-conservative movement.
The War Reporter
Dokument zachycuje události, které se staly v roce 1991 během válečného konfliktu v Chorvatsku, který změnil životy všech obyvatel. Film se nezabývá historickou pravdou, ale postihuje osobní pravdu autora, který…