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Ex Oriente Film East Silver East Doc Platform KineDok East Doc Series Český dokument

Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

Knowledge Lab

East Silver

East Silver Karavana

Silver Eye

Cena Silver Eye

Czech Docs: Ready to Go

East Silver Market

East Doc Platform

Czech Docs: Coming Soon

East Doc Interactive

East Doc Forum

East Doc Market


Co-Production Booster


East Doc Series

Český dokument

Panel připravovaných českých dokumentárních filmů

Katalog českých připravovaných dokumentárních filmů

Večer s českým dokumentem




How is the world perceived by someone with depression? Through the story of Ondrej we enter the world of Darkening. The animated film uses VR to show the dark images of the mind and the calming techniques.
The Ultimate Joker

The Ultimate Joker

The old fart breaks new wind.
Villages of Light

Villages of Light

A quest to reverse and transform the social and economic structures to save mankind from self-destruction.
Všichni lidé budou bratři

Všichni lidé budou bratři

The brighter the light, the darker the shadow.


A reporter undertakes a journalistic investigation to examine if three waiters could topple Polish government by eavesdropping its ministers? Or was it a conspiracy with the Kremlin in the background?
We Have to Survive

We Have to Survive

Ľudstvo pravdepodobne nezastaví zmenu klímy, ale bude sa musieť prispôsobiť novým, ťažším podmienkam. Štyri svetové strany – štyri príbehy zo zasiahnutých oblastí pod vplyvom globálneho otepľovania, kde už prebiehajú…


The Workcenter is one of the most secretive theatre groups in the world. They live together like monks, desperately seeking spirituality in their lives.Only few were allowed to see their daily routine.
Zákon lásky

Zákon lásky

A fight for a future tradition.


Efektivní manipulaci oběť nezaznamená a často si ji neuvědomuje ani sám pachatel. Filmová esej o vlivu mimo zjevnou viditelnost a předvídatelné následky.
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