
East Silver

East Silver Shorts

We support short films (up to 25 minutes) by organizing events like case studies dedicated to short film production and the Short Pitch program, which connects filmmakers with industry professionals.

The Short Pitch Program is intended for creators of short documentary films from the region of Central and Eastern Europe. 5 selected short documentary film projects in the development or rough-cut phase will be presented in the form of pitching to sales agents, distributors, and festival and TV representatives at Millennium Docs Against Gravity. When selecting films, organizers will concentrate equally on artistic merit and exceptional content.

Focus: Short films in development and rough cut
Short Pitch Program 2024 takes place in Warsaw, Poland, on May 12, 2024.

DEADLINE for application: March 16, 2024.  You will be notified about the decision by April 3, 2024.
APPLICATION FORM is available here.


Award: DAE Pitch Talent Encouragement Prize
Documentary Association of Europe is bringing the DAE Pitch Talent Encouragement Prize to the East Doc Platform. The award consists of bespoke mentoring with a DAE member, depending on the needs of the project team. 

Veronika F. Dvořáčková / East Silver Manager:
Nora Särak / East Silver Coordinator: 

The Short Pitch event is organized in cooperation with:



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