An Interview with Atanas Georgiev (by Vladan Petkovic)
An Interview with Alisa Kovalenko and Stéphane Siohan (by Tue Steen Müller)
“Filmmaking is a partnership, so stronger relations make stronger films.” An interview with Maciej Kubicki (by Steve Rickinson)
"We had to educate a brand new audience." An interview with Martichka Bozhilova (by Vladan Petkovic)
“I am Doing It Because I Love It.” An Interview with Peter Kerekes (by Marta Balaga)
Of Birds, Beasts and the Time in Between: An Interview with Laila Pakalnina (by Carmen Gray)
Upcoming interviews:
An Interview with Sinisa Juricic (by Martin Kudláč)
An Interview with Radovan Síbrt (by Martin Kudláč)
and more...