Would you like to deepen your knowledge of sales business & to know all your rights within TV/VOD/theatrical deals in detail? Do you wish to learn about scriptwriting & story development process by award-winning documentary director? Join our free webinars with former Autlook Filmsales Andrea Hock and Sundance Award winning director Nino Kirtadzé. Webinars are available to all film professionals for free.
November 22, 10:00 am - 11:30 am (CET)
THE SALES BUSINESS | Contracting challenges: make your deals better with Andrea Hock
Exclusive webinar opens the door to the world of partnership and contracts with international sales agents. Andrea Hock, experienced sales agent, former head of sales at Autlook Filmsales. You will learn about important points in sales agent agreements and basics in TV/VOD/theatrical deals. You will have much better knowledge about your overall rights and will be able to negotiate deals that suit your documentary projects best. In addition Andrea will be available for 1:1 consultations of your projects.
Join the Webinar: https://bit.ly/sales-contracting-challenges
Passcode: 918397
November 24, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm (CET)
SCRIPTWRITING | Process of script writing with Nino Kirtadzé
In her webinar Nino Kirtadzé will walk you through her whole process of scriptwriting in documentary film. Nino Kirtadzé is an award-winning documentary director, script writer and actress who will share with you her experience of script writing for documentary projects from the initial idea and story development until the engagement with audiences. You will be able to see numerous examples from her works.
Join the Webinar: https://bit.ly/scriptwriting-process
Passcode: 829754
Webinars are organized by the Institute of Documentary Film in Prague with support of Creative Europe MEDIA Sub-programme, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and Czech Film Fund.