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Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

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Ex Oriente Series

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Found 7360 films
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Sentenced to freedom

Sentenced to freedom

Their sentences seemed like eternity, but now their prison terms are about to end. "Long-termers" will soon leave prison walls. They will disappear from the view of judges, guards and legislators. It's anyone's guess…
Šentilj-Spelfeld a Border Crossing that Once Was

Šentilj-Spelfeld a Border Crossing that Once Was

“Šentilj / Spielfeld” was once a gate that stopped thousands of cars and millions of people on their way to enjoy shopping in Austrian supermarkets or to enjoy holidays on the outstanding coast of Yugoslav republics.…


A film inspired by an encounter with director Vláčil. The novice set off to see a retired film director whose work we have always respected, in order to approximate the thinking, feeling and output through his film, i.e…


Zoltan and his son Gergo are shepherds. Gergo knows a secret about his dad; he’s a shaman
Separation/ Vivid Dreams

Separation/ Vivid Dreams

How to defend in such circumstances ...
September 25

September 25

To return to the starting point, it takes only a few stations on the train. The worst childhood memories would show up if you cross the line. The main character of the film, 20-year-old Dima, who grew up in an orphanage…
September 3rd 2015

September 3rd 2015

In that moment, all the news published on September 3rd 2015. became extremely real. Banalities of that day and personal memories mixed intensively.


A melancholic metaphor depicts transportation links and the logistical construction of a futuristic view of a dark, sterile environment. Fluorescent machines and vehicles that serve man live their own lives until their…
Serbia in a Trash Can

Serbia in a Trash Can

Documentary film about economic and moral collapse of a century and its people.
The Serbian Lawyer

The Serbian Lawyer

Ten years after fleeing the regime in Serbia, Marko finds himself defending some of the very people that he fought against while he lived there, including the notorious Radovan Karadzic. Five years ago, the whole world…
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