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Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

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East Silver

East Silver Caravan

Silver Eye

Silver Eye Award

Czech Docs: Ready to Go

East Silver Market

East Doc Platform

Czech Docs: Coming Soon

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East Doc Series

Czech Docs

Panel of Upcoming Czech Documentary Films

Catalogue of Upcoming Czech Documentary Films

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Found 7360 films
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My Paradise is Darker Than Your Hell

My Paradise is Darker Than Your Hell

Theatre director Jan Kačena poisoned himself in 2019 by inhaling fumes and suffered irreversible brain damage. While his partner makes a film as a declaration of love, he lies unconscious. In the film, the director…
My Partners

My Partners

Polyamory, a love solution?
My Perestroika

My Perestroika

"My Perestroika" follows five ordinary Russians living in extraordinary times — from their sheltered Soviet childhood, to the collapse of the Soviet Union during their teenage years, to the constantly shifting political…
My personal „eternal“ vector

My personal „eternal“ vector

"I decided to become the owner of the cosmic vector." Based on this decision, Lumír Hladík performed an action event in which he inserted a boundary stone and sign with infinity symbols into the earth of the surrounding…
My Private Mongolia

My Private Mongolia

Anna, a Latvian non-citizen born in Riga in 1991, the year of the collapse of the USSR and formation of independent Latvia, is going through the process of naturalization, while at the same time trying to discover her…
My Psychedelic Love Story

My Psychedelic Love Story

When Joanna Harcourt-Smith met Timothy Leary in 1972, he was hiding from the law. The former faculty member at Harvard was set to serve ten years in prison for committing drug offenses when Joanna, a woman half his age,…
My Russian 90's

My Russian 90's

I return with my mother in Russia to reminisce together about the decade following the 1991 Moscow putsch. Painful memories for her and happy for me.
My Russian Spring

My Russian Spring

After 20 years filmmaker Xenia Sigalova returns from Germany to her homeland to explore what became of her former three best friends – an intimate portrait of todays Russia and its “Generation Perestroika”.
My Six Million Dollar Father

My Six Million Dollar Father

A self-made banker achieves success during the first years after the collapse of the USSR, but is then forced to flee the country in order to escape an arrest for illegal operations. Sought by the Interpol for more than…
My Son Romek

My Son Romek

Romek! Romek! Romek! He comes on evry call, brings her water, fluffs her pillow, massages her leg. With the patience of a saint he takes care of his old, crippled mother.
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