Something Better To Come is an extraordinary, thirteen-year personal journey set in one of the bleakest urban places in the world: a large “svalka” (garbage dump) just 13 miles away from Red Square, Moscow. People struggle to live there, including eleven-year-old Yula, our protagonist. We follow Yula until she is twenty-five. Yula's dream seems to be quite ordinary, but in this society, almost impossible to fulfill: she dreams of getting out of the dump one day. But in spite of the terrible conditions there, life goes on. People still laugh, love, support and help each other in the face of horrible adversity. They still longingly hope that one day their life will change for the better. Yula loses her father, she falls in love, gets pregnant, and gives her child up for adoption. Finally one day she breaks out and leaves the garbage dump in search of a new life, a normal life.