115 min


The Portraits of Károly László

László Károly portréi

Directing: Péter Pál Tóth


Carl Laszlo ( László Károly ) was born in Pécs ( Hungary ) in 1923, in a Jewish family. After the high school of the Cistercian Order - which belongs to the Catholic Church - he went to study at the medical university. However, in 1944 he and his whole family were deported to Auschwitz. There, everyone of them was murdered, except him. After the war, he went to Switzerland. There he continued his studies as a disciple of his famous compatriot Lipót Szondi and became a psychoanalyst. In his life, László Károly took up many different, creative activities: as a wtiter, publisher and art collector. He also moved in the circles of the beat-culture, knowing well many interesting and/or spiritually important people: from Burroughs to Ginsberg, from Warhol to Grutzke, from Timothy Leary to David Bowie, etc. His life was very special, because of his unique, self-chosen position: always inside, a participant, but at the same time an independent observer forming his own opinions.
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