60 min


Forms in Relation to Life

Filmische Fragmente über die Wiener Werkbundsiedlung

Directing: Heidrun Holzfeind


In the 1920s, the Werkbund architectural association stood for a new kind of functional design, sober and unadorned, but meeting residential needs. The individual was to be the guiding criterion for the structure, resulting in a relationship between form and living consistently identical to space and need. Various living spaces constructed atop one another took up a small square footprint of space; the differences in the vertical levels provided every portion of space with a purpose: only people who make themselves at home here, willing to symbiotically integrate, experience the unfolding of the space. The director realizes a form of architectural measurement that is expressed through the biographies of the inhabitants residing in the settlement. In this way, the film ultimately delivers forms positioned in relation to life. Forms determining life in and with them.
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