52 min


Music is the Art of Time 2, LP Film Bulldozer - Spit Truth Into the Eyes

Glasba je časovna umetnost 2, LP Film Buldozer - Pljuni isitini u oci

Directing: Varja Mocnik


Spit Truth into the Eyes is a documentary film about one of the most influential Yugoslav rock albums of all time. Although recorded more than 40 years ago, the LP Pljuni istini u oči (Spit Truth into the Eyes) by the Slovenian-Yugoslav band Buldožer remains relevant and continues to inspire new generations.
The entire album Spit Truth into the Eyes is heard from beginning to end in the background during the film. Members of the band and their friends and fans recollect their memories. These testimonies are combined with fictive elements, excerpts from the album cover, archival material and animations, creating a fresh and surrealistically ironic documentary—not only of a band and its legendary album, but about our society and times today.
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