Opus Three - The final part of Pavel Koutecký's trilogy of Prague Spring is made up of two compositions specially created for the festival - Sylvie Bodorová's oratorium Judas Maccabeus, with texts from the Old Testament, and Peter Graham's Subida. The first was performed in St. Vitus' Cathedral at Prague Castle, the second in an old factory in the Karlin district of Prague. The first is a large-scale work, classical in conception, with every detail annotated in the score; the second is a smaller-scale and highly experimental piece allowing the players considerable freedom of interpretation. Both, however, are very far removed from the usual concert repertoire and style of playing.
The heroes of the film are without doubt the composers, who first have to put their musical vision on paper, then explain it to the conductor, players and singers. The film crew was present at virtually every stage of the demanding rehearsal process. Following the tragic death of Pavel Koutecký last year, the film was completed by director Jaroslav Hovorka.
The heroes of the film are without doubt the composers, who first have to put their musical vision on paper, then explain it to the conductor, players and singers. The film crew was present at virtually every stage of the demanding rehearsal process. Following the tragic death of Pavel Koutecký last year, the film was completed by director Jaroslav Hovorka.