The film Queens of Joy opens in February 2022, set against the backdrop of the war in Kyiv, Ukraine. The city is under invasion, and three main characters, Oleksandr (aka Marlen Scandal), Monroe, and Aura, choose to stay, driven by a common intention to make a positive impact during these challenging times.
Oleksandr leads a double life as a compassionate individual and the confident drag queen Marlen Scandal, raising questions about the price of strength and bringing joy to others. Despite the war, Oleksandr continues to perform drag shows, offering solace to those seeking shelter during rocket attacks.
Monroe, a renowned TV host and influencer, embarks on a journey of self-acceptance and embracing her transgender identity in the midst of the war. Aura, a soldier in the Ukrainian army, discovers his inner self as AURA, embracing his true identity.
The film explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the power of art in the LGBTQ+ community during wartime. It highlights the resilience and strength of individuals in the face of adversity, as they strive to find their place in a changing society and hope for a better future.
Queens of Joy is a moving story of three drag queens courage, commitment to freedom, and their choice to stay in Ukraine during the war.
Oleksandr leads a double life as a compassionate individual and the confident drag queen Marlen Scandal, raising questions about the price of strength and bringing joy to others. Despite the war, Oleksandr continues to perform drag shows, offering solace to those seeking shelter during rocket attacks.
Monroe, a renowned TV host and influencer, embarks on a journey of self-acceptance and embracing her transgender identity in the midst of the war. Aura, a soldier in the Ukrainian army, discovers his inner self as AURA, embracing his true identity.
The film explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the power of art in the LGBTQ+ community during wartime. It highlights the resilience and strength of individuals in the face of adversity, as they strive to find their place in a changing society and hope for a better future.
Queens of Joy is a moving story of three drag queens courage, commitment to freedom, and their choice to stay in Ukraine during the war.