45 min


Three Missing Pages

Három hiányzó oldal

Directing: Richárd Schuster


At 86, Vera sets out to find three missing pages, the last chapter of her tragic love. Albert Csillag, an illustrator of children's books, is one of the most talented graphic artists of his time. On 19 December 1937 he meets Veronika Benisch, then sixteen years old, at a lawyers' ball. It is love at first sight. But history changes the course of events. Albert is taken away to a labour camp from where he secretly sends Vera letters including poems and drawings and an engagement ring.In the present, Vera sets out to find a lost book that she last held in her hands just after the war, and from which three pages were missing then. "I don't know what happened to that book. I suppose I never wanted to see it again. It had such terrible things in it that I couldn't bear having it in the house."
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