13 min


Opus About Plain

Alfoldi opus

Directing: Zoltán BickeiAttila Iván


This documentary about 13 minutes made in the manner of an essey elaborates the preparation and formation of a new theatre play by Jozef Nadj, a world distinguished director, his contemplation of home, plain, home return. Basically the film consists of Jozef Nadj`s nterview in which he explaines in condensed sentences his artistic way of work from the birth of an idea, through pictures visions and final theatre formations. As the latest play "After Midnight" is based on the experiences of Kanjiza natural surroundings, the film presents "Jaraą" pustara and the Tisa bank, two typical motifs from Vojvodina which were crucial for the birth of the play. Pustara and the Tisa get myth contents through Nadj`s new performace. Nature vibrations are portrayed in collusion with the improvised creation way of Josef Nadj who has never gone astray from the initial course: attentive listening and formation of the plain dweller temperament.
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