52 min


On the Other Side of Leprosy

Directing: Peeter SimmVahur Laiapea


Ülo Kirs, born in Saaremaa in 1926, was only a 4 years old boy when his mother was diagnosed as having leprosy and taken away to be kept in leprosarium. In 1945, he fought with the Germans in the 2nd World War, and at the age of 20 was building Becker Harbor in Tallin as a Soviet prisoner of war. An illusory freedom arrived when Ülo got infected with leprosy and was taken from the prison to leprosarium in Kuuda - the same one where his mother was. In 1963, after a serious argument with the head of the leprosarium, he was transferred to Talsi leprosarium in Latvia, where he has been staying till today. The second person featured in the film is a medical worker Anne Sarv who has dedicated her life to helping and caring for people diagnosed with leprosy.
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