Another Chance, a sensitive psychological portrait of a woman, her partner and other family members, tells the story of an unequal relationship between Monika, a successful middle-aged woman, and a young marriage fraudster, Mirek. The story of a woman who has fatally complicated her own life is the second feature by filmmaker Eva Tomanová whose previous documentary Always Together was nominated for the 2014 IDFA First Appearance Award.

9. 2. 2019
Czech Docs... Coming Soon 2019 – selected projects
Essential part of the East Doc Platform is the presentation Czech Docs... Coming Soon dedicated to Czech documentary projects in development, production and post-production
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14. 10. 2018
KineDok evening: upcoming documentaries and When the War Comes gala premiere
KineDok hosted a documentary evening in Světozor Cinema on Monday, October 8, 2018. The special evening included the presentation of upcoming documentaries followed by the gala premiere of Jan Gebert's film When the War Comes.
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