
90 min


A Documentary About Milan Kundera

Dokument o  Milanu Kunderovi

Directing: Miloslav Šmídmajer


The documentary presents all of Milan Kundera’s major works and their themes. In the West, little is known about his early poetry and plays. Until recently, none of his novels written in French were published in the Czech Republic. In addition, Kundera is shrouded in a number of myths. Why has he refused to give interviews or appear in the media since 1985? Why has he avoided public life, and is even said to have very few friends? These myths make him an oddity, and the documentary gradually confirms or refutes them while emphasizing Kundera's views on artistic creation. The film is framed by the "story of a student" who gets it into his head that he wants to try to get an interview with Milan Kundera. He gradually familiarizes himself with Kundera's texts and opinions, with his friends and co-workers, until he finally understands that what is important and what remains is one’s work, not the vicissitudes of life.Miloslav Šmídmajer
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