65 min


Moravia, O Fair Land III.

Morava, krásná zem III.

Directing: Petr Šprincl


Ivana Slabáková, the guru of Moravian brass music, announces a historical discovery - The Mikulčice Script, revealing historical importance of the Great Moravia. Slabáková puts together Moravian patriots, brass band, clerofascist Jan Uprka and Jiří Valtr, a satanist from Brno. A drama will be staged.
Senior club from the village Rohatec rehearses the Great-Moravian drama, which reanimates the dead from ancient Slavic grave fields. Zombie apocalypse ensues and Moravia is cleansed of Christian scum. After this epic clash of cultures, the life in Moravia goes back to normal. Brass music plays, zombies work in the wineyard and hope for an even better crops next year.
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