63 min


Round Sound

Kruzni Zvuk

Directing: Saša Orešković


One can imagine that the beginning of music did not originate with the invention of musical instruments but with the use of mundane articles of daily life. Is there a song hidden in all objects, such as bones, stones, or pieces of wood? Jazz musician, Zoran Madžirov elicits a very special song, a very distinct music from machines, bottles, shoes and bicycles, practically out of anything. In his renditions, he is such a virtuoso, that one can hardly get enough of it. If the term "World Music" has ever made sense, it does so in this film. This sly Macedonian artist, accompanied by Ellington Mingus (Charels Mingus´ grandson) and Kočo “King” Agušev (two times winner of the Balkan Brass Bands Music Festival “Guča” ) they make the whole world vibrate through music. The film is a re-edited version of "The Soundless Fall of Gravitation" produced in 2008.
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