70 min


The Children of Drujba

Decata na Drujbata

Directing: Svetoslav Draganov


1979, Beirut. At the peak of the civil war in Lebanon, Ahmad is a 15-year-old boy with an AK47 in his hand. His photo was published in LIFE magazine, and Ivan Garelov, a famous Bulgarian journalist, made a film about him. In the film, Ivan asked him: “What do you want to be?”, and Ahmad answered, “A doctor!”. “Do you want to study in Bulgaria?” – Ivan asked. “Yes!” – Ahmad answered.
In 1967, the Bulgarian poet Blaga Dimitrova visited Vietnam. In the war-torn country she met a 7-year-old girl and loved her instantly. This was Ha. Blaga had no children and had the greatest desire to take Ha with her, though the child’s parents were alive. With the blessing of Vietnamese comrades, Blaga could take Ha to Bulgaria, and thus in 1969 Ha Hoang became Hanny Dimitrova.
Ha and Ahmad are the Bulgarian symbols of Communist internationalism in action. These are "children of Drujba - comradeship", born in countries struggling for independence and socialism, nurtured and brought up in socialistic Bulgaria. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of socialism, these "children" are forced to grow up quickly and decide whether to go back to their old country or to remain as emigrants forever.
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