In the last days of the summer of 2019, young filmmaker Vadim returns to his hometown to say goodbye to his first love Anya, thereby beginning the cycle of ritualised farewells that follow, each one exploring the meaning of endings in a different light.
30. 10. 2021
Silver Eye Award 2021 goes to Mara and Sounds of Weariness
Silver Eye Award 2021 for the best feature documentary in the East Silver Market at Ji.hlava IDFF went to Mara by Sasha Kulak. The winner in the short documentary category is Sounds of Weariness by Taymour Boulos.
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11. 10. 2021
Silver Eye Award 2021 nominees and juries
The Institute of Documentary Film will give Silver Eye Award to the best short and feature documentaries from Central and Eastern Europe in the East Silver Market at the 25th Ji.hlava IDFF (October 26-31, 2021).
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