Nina Rudik tells the story of two Ukrainian men who have decided to go on paternity leave. Katya's grandfather and Masha's father remain at home while their wives go out to work and earn money for the family. They both took the decision voluntarily, their families are comfortable about the arrangement and no one feels there is anything unnatural about this reversal of traditional roles. We see the men as they play with, and educate, their kids, speaking openly about the reasons behind their decision and how they feel about the roles they have taken on. Women from the neighbourhood are full of indignation, however, putting forward conventional arguments that men should always be the breadwinners and a woman's role in bringing up the kids is irreplaceable. Rudik has made a highly optimistic documentary about an important contemporary social issue - in the Czech Republic, for example, men have only been granted paternity leave since 2001. Approaching the men as if she was one of their kids, Rudik makes the audience feel as snug as the little girls on the screen feel in the arms of their male parents. Using animated and stylised sequences set to cheerful music to augment the documentary footage, this film will not only bring a smile to your face, it will also make you feel certain that even though the world before you is unconventional, everything is as exactly as it should be.