5 min


Technology of the Self-Touching of the Eye

Technologie sebedotýkání oka

Directing: Lucie RosenfeldováMatěj Pavlík


The film made by the artistic duo of Lucie Rosenfeldová and Matěj Pavlík deals with the phenomenon of phosphene - the phenomenon when variously coloured lights appear in our vision when pressure is applied to our eyes. Based on this remarkable phenomenon, often called inner sight, which has fascinated philosophers, physicians and scientists since antiquity, in their black-and-white imaginative film, the authors reveal how much human perception is influenced by social, cultural and ideological factors."If we look at our eyes in a mirror - eyes which were showing light flashes behind the closed eyelids just a moment ago - we find out that the theories about an inner sight are false. If we draw the locations of the lights in a protocol, we create laboratory conditions for our own imagination."
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