19 min


Microcassette - The Smallest Cassette I've Ever Seen

Mikrokazeta - najmanja kazeta koju sam ikad vidio

Directing: Igor BezinovicIvana Pipal


Right from its opening line: “Not everything in this story is true”, the film can be seen as a playful application of deductive reasoning often found in crime fiction. Somewhere at a landfill site where you can allegedly get the best views of the Adriatic sea, a middle-aged man comes across a microcassette and begins to deduce who could have made such a recording and for what reason based on the cassette’s simple label description. Accompanied by an essential Balkan brass band and with the help of animation by Ivana Pipal, the man begins to piece together a caricature image of this mystery person’s life and love story, which most likely never even happened. But whatever the case may be, this story will continue to be recycled.   „I think local love is a good thing, to understand your surroundings. It’s when patriotic feelings start to lead to exclusion and neighborly tensions that it becomes dangerous.“ I. Bezinović


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