Renowned croatian writer Gordan Nuhanović embarks on a journey by train to his hometown Vinkovci, to find answers to many questions about his own homeland.
Why is Slavonia the most depressing part of Croatia? Why there everything stand still, even the river Bosut? Why is the overall state of mind complete apathy? When will FC Cibalija finally start to play the way it should? How is it possible that this once rich Slavonian country, which has seen so many great men, now runs on almost all the negative lists of Croatian society? And finaly, why do I hate my city?
Why is Slavonia the most depressing part of Croatia? Why there everything stand still, even the river Bosut? Why is the overall state of mind complete apathy? When will FC Cibalija finally start to play the way it should? How is it possible that this once rich Slavonian country, which has seen so many great men, now runs on almost all the negative lists of Croatian society? And finaly, why do I hate my city?