70 min



Directing: Andrzej DybczakJacek Nagłowski


It is late summer of 2006. Within the last few weeks, Dimitri and Tatiana, last herdsmen alive in the Taiga, have lost their reindeer, which were killed by wolves. This misfortune is going to force them to leave their life in the forest for the village. Their oldest son, Kola, already lives there. Kola is trying to prevent his parents from settling in Tutonchany village. He knows they are going to die there. He knows what happens to the old man nicknamed "Boatswain" who was in the same situation few years ago. This is the story of the decline of a small Siberian community. This observative documentary describes the paradoxical world of former nomads and reindeer herds that were forced to abandon their ancient life-ways. Characters of the film are on the different stages of forsaking world which was known us traditional way of life.
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