
Mourning in Lod

Directing: Hilla Medalia


Over the phone Mussa promises his wife that he’ll be home soon, but en route the Palestinian finds himself caught in a street fight. Mobile footage shows the unarmed Mussa falling to the ground after being shot in the chest. The shooter holds his weapon in one hand, the Israeli flag in the other, but he walks away free as the court rules that he killed in self-defence. Soon afterwards Yigal, a Jew living in the neighbourhood, is killed during the riots triggered in Lod by Mussa’s death. Although deeply affected by the loss, his family decides to donate his organs. Yigal’s kidney goes to Randa, an Arab woman undergoing dialysis. The vicious circle of Israeli-Palestinian violence seems to have been broken, but the lives of the affected families will never be the same again.
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