A full-length documentary dedicated to life and work of Antonin Kratochvil. B&W feature film captures inner worlds of this world-famous photographer and all periods of his life in an in-depth, yet attractive form. Dramatic character and uniqueness of the story are emphasized by original audio-visual elaboration in line with the photographer´s immutable style. The main idea of the story is FREEDOM as synonym of LIGHT. FREEDOM we believe most concisely characterizes hardly grasping and incalculable personality and work of Antonin Kratochvil. The script is based on original two-layered storytelling with plot split into ten consecutive chapters adapted in a way to keep the visual uniqueness of the movie. Each chapter starts with the letter composing the word “searching” – START, EMOTION, ART, RESEARCH, COOPERATION, HOME, INDEPENDENCE, NEED, and GOAL. Nine chapters capture different phases of the photographer´s life. The tenth chapter – LIGHT IS LIFE – is compiled as a high tide of the storytelling. Each chapter holds clear intention and punch line. Besides Kratochvil, we meet his family and friends and some famous persons with whom he has worked with – David Bowie, Bono, Jean Reno and many more. Film will be shot on selected locations in the Czech Republic, USA (New York, California), The Netherlands (Amsterdam), Tchernobyl (Ukraine) and other places linked to life and work of Antonin Kratochvil.