14 min



Directing: Mara Matuschka


An opera diva (Mimi Minus) makes her grand solo appearance. The individual stages of her transformation in the dressing room are celebrated with glamorous gestures; masks and multiple new layers are put on until the diva is a diva. Surrounded by flowers, covered in silky garments, she seems to have reached the high point of her career. As though she wanted to celebrate this special moment, she swears the same with a deep gaze into the flame of a candle. The meditative ritual becomes a trigger for the appearance of a second, identical opera diva. This one, however, immediately transforms through the deployment of the most wonderful Mattuscha animation techniques into an aged, wrinkled version of the star with less than zero glamour appeal. A Freudian dream game begins: a strange seeming duet set on an opera stage that has an expressionist ring to it.
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