Endless cane fields on the "red island" of Madagascar. This disturbing comment from a female guard at an overcrowded prison serves as the basis for a psychoanalytic search for a missing father. Hypnotising fragments of images of Malagasy society torn apart by war, poverty, corruption, and crime. Mobilised crowds of submissive yardbirds, female prisoners forced into hard domestic labour, shamanic rituals of impoverished villagers. A roll of dice - an obsessive ritual of a suspecting father, a serial killer - inspires the mystery of a young woman's desire. A literary journey with elements of an alienated detective story accompanies us alongside real and symbolic prisoners throughout the history of a decimated island. "Here‘s My Baby, Oh Beautiful Foreign Bird (Malagasy Lullaby)White bird from afar,take my baby awayFly with her high up in the sky,and if she hushes, bring her back to me.O o o o o, ooooooo."G. Tiller, M. Ranaivojaona