
Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporains

22 rue du Fresnoy, BP 80179
Tourcoing Cedex, FR


Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporains

About the Company

Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporains is the result of the determination of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication to set up new kind of higher artistic teaching establishment in the North of France, an innovative, world-class creative hub that would be like “an IRCAM of the visual arts” or “a hi-tech Villa Medici.”

With courses articulated around the production of artworks across a wide range of disciplines and styles, drawing on the availability of audiovisual techniques to professional standards, it is a unique centre for production, experiment and presentation.

Every year, Le Fresnoy produces over fifty works across the whole spectrum of contemporary arts – cinema, photography, visual arts, performing arts and music – always aspiring to professional quality in terms of both its resources and contributors. To this end, the school has acquired a remarkable production apparatus, embracing audiovisual production and post-production tools of all kinds from traditional media to new technologies, regularly upgrading its equipment in keeping with technical developments.


Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporains

22 rue du Fresnoy, BP 80179
Tourcoing Cedex, FR
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