
Slovo 21

Francouzská 2
120 00
Prague 2, CZ
fax: +420 222 520 037

Czech Republic

Slovo 21

About the Company

Non-governmental organization SLOVO 21 was founded in 1999 in Prague and in this time it realizes educational, cultural, media, public awareness and other projects, especially Roma projects and project aiming on integrations of immigrants. Leading goals are to combat racism and xenophobia, to help to protect and respect human rights, to teach tolerance towards ethnic minorities, in particular the Roma minority, to support integration of foreign nationals living in the Czech Republic, to provide media support to minorities in the Czech Republic and to help the creation of multicultural society. We cooperate with other NGOs and governmental organizations from the Czech Republic and abroad. The most important is the long-term project World Roma Festival Khamoro, whose concept and content tries to increase the whole society’s tolerance level towards Roma citizens through artistic activities (music, theatre, dance, film, literature, fine arts etc.). The tradition of project Khamoro was founded in 1999 and from this time has become one of the most famous international festivals in Czech Republic and even in the Europe. The festival was a part of the Prague 2000 – European City of Culture project. Between other important performing activities of the NGO Word 21 (Slovo 21) belongs multicultural programs in the frame of the project Integration of immigrants in Europe, where perform mixed musical groups and artists from Czech Republic and other European and non-European countries. The NGO SLOVO 21 cooperates with many organizations from various countries from the whole world, especially within the frame of the project World Roma festival KHAMORO. The base of the cooperation is in changing of contacts and information concerning with the projects, bringing new ideas into programming, backgrounds, cooperation in preparations and realization of cultural activities. We cooperate regularly for example with: Netherlands – Alfa Stiftung, Norway – International Gypsy festival Iagori, Poland – Council of Polish Roma, Portugal – D´Orfeu Associacao Cultural. Of course, the NGO SLOVO 21 cooperates with number of organizations from Czech Republic. Between the long-term partners belongs International Romani Union, the NGO R-Mosty or NGO Romea.


Slovo 21

Francouzská 2
120 00
Prague 2, CZ
fax: +420 222 520 037
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