
Aska Film Productions

Kopcianska 20
851 01
Bratislava, SK


Aska Film Productions

About the Company

Established in 2005, ASKA Film Productions is engaged in a wide range of activities, including the production of documentary films, educational films, TV political programmes, TV News and informative-promotional videos (promotion of businesses, products, hotels, institutions…).
Its main projects in 2007 included the documentary film Žiť a spievať (‘To Live and To Sing’), directed by Anna Nemogová-Kolárová), the documentary film Medzi dvoma svetmi (‘Between Two Worlds’), directed by Anna Nemogová-Kolárová), and the documentary film Slovenskí insitní maliari v Srbsku (‘Naϊve Art in Serbia’), directed by Anna Nemogová-Kolárová). Representative activities in 2006 included production of the documentary films Kúzelnícky klobúk (‘The Magician's Hat - Portrait of a Roman Poet’) and Dezider Banga, directed by Anna Nemogová-Kolárová, and the short documentary Deti (‘Children’), directed by Anna Nemogová-Kolárová).


Aska Film Productions

Kopcianska 20
851 01
Bratislava, SK
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