
Faber Film srl

, IT


Faber Film srl

About the Company

Faber Film is an independent Italian film company based in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
It proposes to bring about documentary films able to fuse research, invention, and engagement.
Filmography: REDEMPTION by Miguel Gomes (in co-development), TIR by Alberto Fasulo (in production), UOMINI SOLI by Paolo Santolini (2012), NO PEACE WITHOUT WAR by Lorenzo Castore and Adam Cohen (2012), L’ESTATE DI GIACOMO by Alessandro Comodin (2011), VALENTINA POSTIKA IN ATTESA DI PARTIRE by Caterina Carone (2009), SOTTO TREGUA GAZA by Maria Nadotti (2009) and RUMORE BIANCO by Alberto Fasulo (2008).


Faber Film srl

, IT
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