1954 epo-film is established as an Austrian production company by Dr. Erich Pochlatko
1969 Dieter Pochlatko becomes a shareholder of epo-film
1978 Dieter Pochlatko becomes managing director of epo-film with headquarters in Graz and a professional production facility in Vienna
Since 1990 all productions are handled at our office in Vienna
Since 1995 headquarters in Vienna, branch office in Graz
Since in 2002 branch office in Klagenfurt
2016 Jakob Pochlatko becomes major shareholder and managing director of epo-film alongside Dieter Pochlatko
1969 Dieter Pochlatko becomes a shareholder of epo-film
1978 Dieter Pochlatko becomes managing director of epo-film with headquarters in Graz and a professional production facility in Vienna
Since 1990 all productions are handled at our office in Vienna
Since 1995 headquarters in Vienna, branch office in Graz
Since in 2002 branch office in Klagenfurt
2016 Jakob Pochlatko becomes major shareholder and managing director of epo-film alongside Dieter Pochlatko
Edelsinnstraße 58
Wien, AT
Wien, AT
phone: +43 181 237 18