
Studio Novyi Kurs

Narodovolcheskaya, 3
Perm, RU
phone: +7 909 106 0607
fax: +7 342 216 005 8


Studio Novyi Kurs

About the Company

“Novyi Kurs” Film Studio, founded in 1987. The first films of the studio were the debut full-length feature films of Perm directors. The most successful project was a film by Pavel Pechenkin “Favourite” distributed in several European countries including Germany.
Farther, the studio concentrated on production of the documentaries. Among them, socially involved and art-house films prevailed. During last 15 years, studio produced about 100 documentaries. Many of them had prizes of different Russian and international festivals. “Novyi Kurs” Film Studio is also an important project centre of Perm Krai, determining the development of the “culture of films” of the region. The most successful project in this field is the organization of “Flahertiana” International Film Festival of Documentaries.
Studio is supporting young Perm filmmakers, helping them to produce their debut and art-house films. Today, “Novyi Kurs” Film Studio is a basic studio in Perm Krai producing a wide range of stylistically and thematically different films.


Studio Novyi Kurs

Narodovolcheskaya, 3
Perm, RU
phone: +7 909 106 0607
fax: +7 342 216 005 8
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