
Anima - Brussels International Animation Film Festival

Folioscope asbl, 24, Boulevard de l’Empereur
Brussels, BE
fax: +32 (0)2 534 22 79


Anima - Brussels International Animation Film Festival

About the Company

Traditional International Animation Film Festival in Brussel with more than 30 editions. Anima, Brussels Cartoon and Animated Film Festival, seeks to promote cartoons and animated films from all over the world. It also seeks to foster a dialogue between professionals, filmmakers and the public, and to raise awareness of quality animation among film and television distributors. The Festival is organising an international competition as well as a national competition for films produced in Belgium; both competition are open to all animated films and make no distinction between formats or techniques, regardless of its geographic origin. The festival also nominates its selection of films for the Cartoon d'Or, from the European films that win prizes. Anima is qualified by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the short animated film category.


Anima - Brussels International Animation Film Festival

Folioscope asbl, 24, Boulevard de l’Empereur
Brussels, BE
fax: +32 (0)2 534 22 79
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