
Ústav pamäti národa - Nation's Memory Institute

Námestie slobody 6
817 83
Bratislava 15, SK
fax: +421 259 300 391


Ústav pamäti národa - Nation's Memory Institute

About the Company

Nation's Memory Institute is a public institution founded by the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 553/2002 Coll. The mission of the Institute is to provide for the access to the up to date undisclosed records of the activities of the repressive organs of the Slovak and Czechoslovak states in the period of oppression in the years 1939-1989. The Act was adopted by the National Council 13 years after the fall of the totalitarian regime expressing the belief that not knowing one's past means to be destined to repeat its errors, and that no unlawful acts of the state should be protected by secrecy nor can it be forgotten.


Ústav pamäti národa - Nation's Memory Institute

Námestie slobody 6
817 83
Bratislava 15, SK
fax: +421 259 300 391
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