
U.O. Uradi nešto

Vijenac Frane Gotovca 8
Zagreb, HR


U.O. Uradi nešto

About the Company

INFORMATION ON THE PRODUCER AND SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF THE DIRECTORThe artistic organization „Uradi nesto“, registered fo the artistic and literary creative work and reproductions, was founded in 2005 in order to realize the documentary „When Miki says he's afraid – the real heroes of Johnny's songs“ in co-production with HRT, the national broadcasting service. The same project included also the book „Johnny – appendices to the biography of Branimir Stulic“.During the period between 2006 and 2010, the following documentaries were successfully realized and aired: „Spin, my daughter, spin“ 30min., documentary on etno-jazz star Tamara Obrovac, „ Montenegro - Sons and daughters in the transitional Disneyland“, „Antonio Smareglia – La forza del destino/The power of destiny“, „What The Balkan means to me – Cinema Europe“. „ How we entered Europe“ the 70min. documentary, pitched on Zagrebdox a few years ago, now is in final fase of post production procedure in co-production with HRT and Kinematograf.


U.O. Uradi nešto

Vijenac Frane Gotovca 8
Zagreb, HR
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