The film production company ‘Aitysh Film’ was founded by public figure, producer and director Sadyk Sher-Niyaz in 2006 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan as a branch of Aitysh Public Fund. The purpose of the film company is the development of Kyrgyz cinema by supporting the creativity of talented young people. The company produces art-house, animation and documentary films.
Apart from Sadyk Sher-Niyaz, the other founders of Aitysh Film are Farkhad Bekmanbetov, Bakytbek Turdubaev and Akzhol Bekbolotov. The Director of the film company is Akzhol Bekbolotov.
Apart from Sadyk Sher-Niyaz, the other founders of Aitysh Film are Farkhad Bekmanbetov, Bakytbek Turdubaev and Akzhol Bekbolotov. The Director of the film company is Akzhol Bekbolotov.
Aitysh Film
Jibek Jolu 625
Bishkek, KG
Bishkek, KG
phone: + 996 700 448 896