
Anonymous Films

E. 1717 S. Ridge Dr.
Spokane WA, US

United States of America

Anonymous Films

About the Company

Short Films - though neglected in comparison to full-length feature films, can be as informative as educational, as entertaining as topical as any other medium. Recent developments across the world have established the fact that short films and documentaries can have large appeal and substantial commercial value. We believe that it is about time there was more viewership and interest amongst Indian filmmakers and audiences as well to give short films its due credit.

An increasing number of talented and young filmmakers across the country are choosing short films as the medium to convey their filmmaking and narrative skills.

It is felt that Hyderabad, with its growing film culture, requires a film club exclusively for short films to build a strong network with national as well as international film icons to spread horizons in terms of filmmaking. And the essence of formulating this club is to encourage amateurs and students to explore newer avenues of public appreciation and help explore commercial viability.

Films Anonymous is a Club conceptualized and started by a group of film enthusiasts to propagate the cause of short films. Films Anonymous provides a platform for short filmmakers to screen their films and to have interesting and critical interactive sessions with audience consisting of people from the industry and media besides film enthusiasts.

Films will be acquired from various sources like first time Filmmakers, Ad Agencies, Film Clubs, Film Festivals, Film Students, Production Houses and also from famous and critically acclaimed filmmakers directly.The entire collection will be examined by a screening committee consisting of eminent people from all walks of the society, essentially the industry, media and academics, before the movies are finalized for screenings.

Films will be projected on a DV player on a LCD screen. We prefer showing the films on the state of the art DV format. We show short films only and that includes documentaries, music videos and ad-films as well. On a monthly basis, we select films based on a theme or topic.

The club is open to all filmmakers, big or small, recognized or not. There is no discrimination of any sort and the atmosphere is conducive for the best creative nourishment.


Anonymous Films

E. 1717 S. Ridge Dr.
Spokane WA, US
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