

, US

United States of America


About the Company

Non-Fiction storytelling today has never been more vibrant, nor in higher demand across every platform. We have moved beyond a golden age for documentary film, into a sustained golden era. At its best, non-fiction filmmaking has the power to connect people over our shared humanity, reframe the stories of our past, contextualize the stories of our time, and forecast the stories of our future.

DC/DOX takes a bold approach to its programming, harnessing the deep interest in documentary film in the DC area, and building on the incredible value of this region to the national and international documentary industry. The festival takes place in marquee venues around Washington, DC. It showcases a lineup of 70+ exceptional feature and short documentaries from all around the world, with a program that represents the very best the form has to offer, from new and emerging filmmakers alike, reflecting a diversity of themes, perspectives, and aesthetic approaches. All film screenings are followed by Q&As with filmmakers, or post-screening discussions moderated by leading journalists and subject area experts. The festival also holds ample networking opportunities and social events throughout its four days, as well as a series of panels, master classes, and workshops in its “Reality Check” forum. The Washington Post is the festival’s founding media sponsor.



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