
Arkana Studio

ul.Chełmska 21/4/59
00 - 724
Warszawa, PL
phone: +48 604 579 333


Arkana Studio


Fatei and the Sea

Fatei and the Sea

Fateich, the sea food farmer from Vladivostok is as the old hero of Hemingway's novel. While being a poet at heart he fight daily for life and nature.
The Last Relic

The Last Relic

An eager Left Block activist, 21-year old Yekaterinburg State University student Igor tries to find a common ground with political activists and opposition groups. A portrait of modern Russia in a tentative period.
The Long War

The Long War

Military propaganda train travels through Russia exhibiting triumphing trophies from the Syrian war. In the film we follow people meeting the train and how their life will be influenced by the train.
Stream of Love

Stream of Love

Love and desire fill the minds of villagers in a Hungarian-speaking village in Transylvania, Romania, even in their old age. Time has stood still here, and although most of the inhabitants of the village are elderly,…
Welcome to New Karabash

Welcome to New Karabash

This is not a film about an imminent environmental catastrophe. This is not a film about a environmental catastrophe that has already taken place. This film is about what happens after. About people moving to and from.
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