
Studio Filmowe Largo

Szwedzka 74/4
Krakow, PL
fax: +48 122 590 971


Studio Filmowe Largo




It is a story of boys from Silesia who make their living picking coal along railroad tracks. Coal is the leitmotif of the tale. It is bread and butter, it gets you through another day, gives you a job and takes it away.…
Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi

It is a story of modern Silesia and its people; it is about unemployment, poverty, hopelessness. "Silesia is going down the drain. There is no future here," complains an unemployed man. "Silesia is Silesia, I will not…


Figure is a surreal tale about creating a myth, about religious kitsch, and about the desire for greatness. Who is our protagonist? The world's largest sacral miniature park resident, John Paul II made of plastic...
Gdanski Railway Station

Gdanski Railway Station

"Gdanski Railway Station" is an attempt to deal with the painful period of Polish history - the year of 1968 and the anti-Semitic hysteria outburst that caused a massive exile of Polish citizens of Jewish descent.
I Love Poland

I Love Poland

They are young and ideological. The members of All Polish Youth (APY) - an organization that descries itself as the ideological legate of the pre-war National Movement. What do they believe in? How strong are those…
Vera Gran

Vera Gran

Did a well-known cabaret singer from the Warsaw ghetto tarnish her reputation with the collaboration with the Gestapo? This question recedes into the background. The director, following Agata Tuszyńska, an author of…
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