
Crossing Bridges Productions

5361 Russell Ave. Apt. 101
CA 90027
Los Angeles, CA, US

United States of America

Crossing Bridges Productions


Beyond the Rainbow

Beyond the Rainbow

Homosexuality is one of the biggest taboos remaining in today's Kosovo society. So much that the main characters of this film are hidden in shadows to protect themselves from the frequent attacks that occur against…
The Guardian

The Guardian

The Guardian is a story about a mountain man and his struggle to save the forests of the Rugova Mountain from over-logging and environmental destruction. As we learn the stories of his youth, we begin to understand the…
Seeking Magic

Seeking Magic

In a world where black magic and witch doctors are considered a thing of the mythical past, "Seeking Magic" takes us to Kosova, a land caught between times, where many still visit mystical healers for guidance and cures…
Weddings and Diapers

Weddings and Diapers

Marriage. Once dictated by strict rules now takes on many shapes and forms in this era of rapid social change in Kosova. "Weddings and Diapers" brings four couples of different regions and generations to share how they…
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