
Duna Workshop

Meszaros utca 48-54
Budapest, HU
fax: +36 148 916 09


Duna Workshop


Tile Mail

Tile Mail

This film from Lisbon, is Nobert's Super 8 film-letter, with the help of which he tries to take up contact with his distant family. Nobert has learnt the art of painting of Portuguese tiles, the azulejos by that he…
Waiting for Moving House

Waiting for Moving House

The Csuri family live in poverty in a Moldavian Csángó village, in Romania. The Csángó (Romanian: Ceangău) is an ethnic group of Roman Catholics, who speak Romanian or Hungarian dialect. Three generations of the Csuri…
Yad Hanna – The Collective Man

Yad Hanna – The Collective Man

András Lichter and his comrades founded the last communist kibbutz on a carrot field along the former Jordanian border in 1950. The founders, who were of Hungarian origin, were loyal to the Soviet Union and the Red Army…
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